About Us

Roll your Moments with A horse

Lectus sollicitudin efficitur curabitur tincidunt posuere dictumst turpis vulputate dictum. Duis turpis imperdiet aptent ultrices congue nulla placerat accumsan. Per lacinia lectus nascetur sociosqu class augue nec integer viverra cras etiam. Leo consequat quam lacinia dictumst sed mattis tempus malesuada. Dignissim nascetur nulla duis praesent velit fringilla aenean tempus viverra lacinia. Felis phasellus sapien nascetur mauris duis nec laoreet porta. Euismod luctus ridiculus montes pede augue nisl.

About Us

About Steve Liddle Racing

The hustle and bustle of a vibrant betting ring, standing in awe of the tic-tac men (who in those days sent odds around the track to bookies) and the bookies themselves giving out colourful tickets simply mesmerised me. I had ten bob on a couple of winners and went home with money in my pocket….bookies money! In 1981 l enjoyed my first Cheltenham Gold Cuo winner when Little Owl did the business. Academically l was fairly average at school, where the only studying l really enjoyed was trying to decipher the winner of the 2-45 at Plumpton! These formative years proved not only enjoyable and in the main profitable but convinced me that horse racing was something l was genuinely good at. I could then and still can see an edge where others can’t. Over the years l’ve followed horse racing diligently in my pursuit to try and beat the enemy. My passion and desire to do so burns ever bright. I’ve been involved, and still am, in winning racehorse syndicates and this gives a different kind of pleasure. My ambition is still to lead-in a winner, in my own colours, at the Cheltenham Festival. I know the value of a pound and the hard work that goes in to making a living. I now want to share my experience and advice with like minded individuals via an affordable subscription service. Why not join me in my quest to provide winners on a consistent basis, I’m certain we’ll have a blast!
Our Vision

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Our Mission

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Staking Plan

I use a tried and trusted method to assist with betting stakes. Using a points system 1-5 (max bet) YOU then decide what monetary stake per point. This system must be followed to achieve consistent returns.
Our Vision

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Our Mission

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Our Team

Meet our equestrian

Morbi tortor hendrerit non eu urna donec mus conubia praesent arcu.

Thelma Alexander

Founder of Charreria

William Stewart


Loretta Sparrow


No fear, when a horse is there for you, dear. Join our Club!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.